Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring is in the air

Straightaway Dash
Originally uploaded by jay2boat
Every good English teacher insists that the wriier stay away from cliches - but not today. In spring a young man's fancy turns to... either land, sea or air.

For those who's fancy turns to the sea I offer up this group of photos to get the party started (another cliche). Click on the photo to be taken to the photographers collection.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

old Galveston house

old Galveston house
Originally uploaded by darlamw
I found this photo today. While the house isn't spectacular, what makes this photo great is the comments. If you view this on Flickr (click on photo), you will see a lot of little squares(comments) when you mouse over the photo. These comments, placed by the photographer make this house a home!

I hope you enjoy them like I did.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Wax Museum

Sean has a presentation on Friday.  For his history class, they’re creating a Wax Museum.  Children were to pick a historic figure, gather information, write their presentation and be ready to present it, in costume on April 3. 


Sean loves football and asked me once, pointing to Woody Hayes, who is this?  Knowing that my son had a bit of Buckeye Football knowledge to gather, I suggested he study Archie Griffin.  I also came up with the brilliant idea of inviting Archie to the event.  I then went to the OSU Alumni site to see if there was contact information.


Archie’s contact information was on the site, along with that of the office staff.  I thought about this for a bit, and decided to not risk my email getting deleted before it reached it’s destination, I emailed Archie’s number 2 man.  He forwarded my email to Mary, an assistant in the Alumni office. 


Mary very kindly told me that she didn’t thing Archie would be able to make the presentation, but gave me his email address and suggested that I send him a note.  I started writing the email that I would be sending to Archie.  This in turn brought back memories of the letter I wrote to Cher inviting her to lunch.  I distinctly remember telling her that she could wear jeans and bring Chastity if she wanted.  I even had my mom sign the letter too, so she would know that the invitation was real.


I wrote the note, telling Archie what the project was about, and asked if he wouldn’t mind sending Sean a note.  I clicked send and went about my day.  Imagine my surprise when Sean called me after school and told me he received a note from Archie Griffin.  Great I replied, I would look at it when I got home.


Well, today was the presentation.  I took the appropriate time off from work, made my way to the school and turned on the video camera.  No life left in the battery.  Ah ha, the camera takes videos, so I turned on the video portion of my camera and captured Sean’s presentation of Archie Griffin.  I hope you enjoy!


To see Sean’s presentation CLICK HERE