Friday, March 13, 2009

Follow up

How anti-climatic was this event. Because the email was not sent from anything school related, the school really couldn't take disciplinary action. I did have to meet with the principal to "Discuss some of Sarah's questionable behavior." So off I went to meet with the principal and guidance counselor.

We had asked Sarah what Mr. Wolfe was going to talk to us about - and we got the story of the cafeteria, which evidently was the precursor to Friday's big event. It goes a bit like this; Sarah and Elo were sitting at the same lunch table. Elo commented that she "wasn't going to eat this crap" she was referring to her lunch. Time passes and Sarah gets up to throw her trash away, but kept her water.

Elo moves to Sarah's seat and refuses to move so that Sarah could sit down. Sarah pours some of her water on Elo's tray. Elo throws a fit and then throws food at Sarah and hits her in the back. Because I know that I should respect Mr. Wolfe, I bit my tongue instead of saying, "So what's your point."

The meeting ended with the schduling of a mediation session at school the next morning. The result of that was also very mundane. The girls agreed to be social with each other.

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