Thursday, March 13, 2008

So you want to be THE president

I started writing this a couple times, trying to get my point across but without naming names. Then it hit me...My blog, no reason to be politically correct - especially when I think things are becoming politically incorrect.

So there are two democratic candidates. They're each spending tens of millions of dollars to be elected into a position that pays 90+ percent less than what they're spending to impress us enough to elect them.

They're also spending millions of dollars to tell us how bad the economy is. How can I listen to a millionaire tell me how bad things are. The one that makes me laugh the most is the people who are telling the truth are the ones being asked to resign their positions.

Ms. Ferarro made a matter of fact statement about Obama, resigned. One of Obama's people equated Hillary with a monster...resignation. Obama states that he'll end tax credits for employers eliminating jobs. The taxes that the employer doesn't have to pay are taxed that are paid on behalf of the employee; unemployment, workers comp, etc. He wants to call a halt to these tax "credits" while making sure every American has the same health insurance he has as a member of Congress.

How are we paying for this?

1 comment:

BobH said...

Oh please don't stop there! You can spend months on these two without bringing the Republican pick into the mix. What they say makes no sense at all and yet the crouds are still cheering. I am WTF didn't you hear what they just said?