Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mental Muscle

For quite some time, I was under the impression that I was a fairly intelligent person.  So much so, I signed up to take the online Jeopardy contestant screening test.  That test abruptly put an end to my smarty pants attitude.

That attitude does rear it's ugly head every now and then though.  Mostly when the incompetent tell me I'm wrong.  I don't tell them that Jeopardy knows that I can be wrong quite often, but you can't argue with technology, can you?

My favorite, which I ran into again this morning is, "It can't be wrong, I wrote the code."  That's akin to my, "It can't possibly be spelled wrong, I sounded it out."  When one learns to read phonetically, there are a lot of interesting ways to spell words.

Now I hear that Obama promises to change Washington if he's elected.  What exactly does he thing he'll be able to change in 4 years.  Is he going to change the senate & house healthcare plans?  Good luck, Oh that's right, Obama promised to give those without health insurance a program that's as good as the one Washington enjoys. 

Them are some big words black man.  I know what they enjoy as far as health insurance...who's going to pay this premium for all those who cannot pay to have health insurance.

I've come to the realization that I'm a mean person.  When someone really irks me...Like thinking he can do my job better than me, I tend to take great joy in making his life miserable, which is

Monday, April 21, 2008


In my off time, I teach religious education to seventh grade students at my local church.  Every month or so, the children were asked to write a prayer on a specific subject.  Yesterday we received the book of prayers to pass to the students.

I read through the prayers first and found a couple topics of discussion.  One such topic was to thank God for their parents.  So I opened the floor to the topic.  I asked the children what they could do to show their parents that they were grateful for them.

I heard NOTHING.  One boy said he could thank them.  I then asked what he would thank them for.  Again, nothing.  Finally fed up with their inability to say...Make my bed without asking...I passed out paper and pencils and had the kids write their parents a letter expressing their gratitude.

I did not read them, instead I passed out envelopes to mail the letters.  I just don't understand why it's so hard to express gratitude to parents.  I must admit though that I didn't write a note for my parents, but I still reserve the right to do so.

One thing that I do though is kiss my father good bye every time I leave him.  The second common thread in the children's prayers was world peace.  I asked my uncle what his theory of world peace was.  His answer, as always was priceless...

Anyone who is part of a family unit or works for a living knows there will never be world peace.

With gratitude I tell him, "I couldn't have said it better."

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

To have a blog...

You have to write.  I've heard of may people talking about "their blog." My blog this, my blog that.  So off I ran to create a blog.  I wanted this to be available to Sarah too, so she had a creative outlet and could join the My Blog generation.  I haven't told her about the blog yet, as I'm still trying to figure out how to make it go. 

When I first created my blog, I had all of these great ideas for writing.  Politics, now there's a subject that I could go on and on about.  The neatest thing about politics is that it's reflected to the general public by journalists.  I cannot think of two greater wordsmith to be working together.  Journalist check their facts and politicians spin their facts, so how does a journalist check up on a spun fact? 

The best quote coming out of today is the creator(?) of BET, that's BLACK Entertainment network, said that if Obama wasn't black, he wouldn't be running for President.  Oh sure, Mrs Ferarro states the obvious and she gets booed, but...I best check to see if it's a fact, spun fact or miss quoted.

Out of context, what a defense.  That's not what I meant, they took the statement out of context.  If you don't want to be noted as saying that the sky is falling, then don't tell me that it was raining so hard, the sky was falling.  Don't blame your speech writer - it's your responsibility at the Orator to check those freaking facts.

For now though, I must end my oration.  I'm not quite sure what search word will put the verbosity upon your desktop, but please, leave it in context.