Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Trash Can

A few may have noticed the trash can in the photos from the Atlanta trip.  I promised the those on the trip that my mistakes will be highlighted as well as everyone else. 

So as we're walking down terminal B for the umpteenth time, I decided to be a nice civilian and throw my trash away.  Pushing on the silver area did not open the trash can.  Pulling down the handle didn't open the trash can.  I kept moving though, I didn't want to be the person who was caught wrestling the trash can to the ground.

Then I handed my trash to King Quality and told him that if my inability to throw my trash away was so funny, he could do it.  Mark took my trash, held the handle, opened the trash can and placed my refuse in the proper place.

Fast forward an hour or so, we're watching CNN on the flat screen when we're introduced to the public service announcement.  Mark pointed it out to me.  Evidently he considered this the training video for the complex refuse container.  When the video/commercial was over, he handed me a piece of scrap paper to see how much I learned.

In my defense, the trash cans are also compactors and don't open when they're compacting.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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