Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Underdog is here!

Most people who know me, know that I have Perfect Dog.  Well, Perfect Dog is getting old, and I've got two shepherds to soften the blow when he does move onto the Rainbow Bridge.

So as Jake (perfect dog) was sleeping, Argus was lounging and Sadie was exploring.  When Sadie gets herself caught behind a closed door, no one is in a hurry to assist her.  She'll bark and she'll wait.  Then she'll bark again.  Suddenly Argus noticed that she was missing, and barking.

As he lumbered to his feet, Sarah and I suggested to him that he go get Sadie.  We were doing math homework and really didn't think it necessary to save the damsel in distress.  She had other ideas and boofed again. 

That's when Argus perked his ears and went charging up the steps.  Next thing I know they're playing their way down to their favorite wrestling spot in the front room. 

Never fear, Underdog is here!!

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