Monday, August 4, 2008


I am a Crack addict. I've found help though at Crackberry Here you will find all things Blackberry. Mind you though, these electronic devices are only known as Blackberries to those who are not users. I would say addicts, but aren't all users addicts, and well - user is so much more politically correct.

I currently am using a Blackberry Curve. But it's not the last one I'll own. Seems there's a Blackberry Thunder (Storm) on the horizon. Ironically it will somewhat resemble the iPhone but we won't have to go through the whole withdraw process.

Now, my Crackberry not only receives calls and allows me to place them, I can take pictures. I use to stare at my phone in wonderment, trying to figure out how to get those pesky pixel out of my phone and into something more useful.

personal pixel

a picture taken at Easter found on my Flickr site. (I'm so organized)

Just about the time I had given up hope I hear from Blackberry that I can now ship my pix to Flickr. Well, tickle me pink, I can post my pixels to that darned old site that allows for people to look at other people's pixels in the comfort of their own home.

Then just today, while trying to make up for the fact that I've not placed any verbiage on the pixel packing site I started writing, and posting and editing and look at what I found. I can now take my mobile pixels and post them to my more stationary pixel posting platform.

I will now stop the silly alliteration and join Judge Judy already in progress.

If I have my cell phone, with pictures stored on them memory card, in my pocket, does that make me a pixel packin' mama?

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